Saturday 19 February 2022

South Africa has all the signs of a failed socialist state....

South Africa has all the signs of a failed socialist state....

Equality of opportunity is freedom, but equality of outcome is repression - Dick Faegler

Why does the world strive for equality of outcome ? Outcome is based on effort, will and sometimes, luck. By it's very nature, it is varied and often unfair. Throw the variability of human nature into the mix as well as the variety of resources and equal outcome can only be the result of a forced system which has no long term sustainability. 

See this link about someone who grew up and saw the failings of a socialist system....SOCIALISM PROBLEMS

In spite of many such examples of both socialism and communism failing, the ANC government in South Africa still tries to keep the ideals of both alive. Rampant corruption, nepotism and cadre deployment of a perfect kakistocracy has led to the collapse of effective government. 

How are they still staying in power ?
The ANC has managed to survive 25 years of bad government through a programmatic and systemic damage to the education system and an abuse of the tribal nature of much of the population.

By keeping  the masses uneducated or very badly educated, they could fool the people into believing that they were doing a good job. By abusing the fact that much of the rural population in South Africa follows a tribal structure, they could stay in power. They did this by paying off the headman of each village to become an ANC supporter. By doing this, they then ensured that the whole village would be voting for them as villagers trust their headman to give them direction in all these things. Now that the money is running out, we may see some changes.

The ANC government is also very good at smokescreening. The moment something appears to threaten the "gravy train" shouts of "racism" or "colonialism" are uttered to draw the attention away from the actual issues. 

Saving face...
In Africa, no one is ever to blame or takes responsibility for any problems. The African culture is 100 times worse than the Chinese of Japanese cultures when faces with issues of "saving face". The other problem in Africa is that women are disregarded as having a voice. Yes, women are often put in "important" positions, but this is done more for appearances than any real concern over equality. Just look at how many women are raped and how many cultures in Africa even regard rape as a "status" symbol for men.

Africa and South Africa has to get over itself and these self imposed attitudes before it can make any progress. Until we as Africans realise that ALL actions have consequences and that we need to consider more than just today and "my" needs, we will not compete on a global platform and we will continue to be abused by the likes of China and Russia who take full advantage of the African blind-spots, gullibility and greed.